Four Benefits of Yoga Studio Software

The yoga studio industry is a broad market made up of many independently owned studios.  With so many unique boutique-style yoga studios popping up, it’s more important than ever to stay competitive in the market.  It is particularly vital to adopt yoga studio software in this technology-driven age to remain competitive in the market and drive consumers to your business.  Here are four primary benefits of adopting a yoga studio software.


            Teach Yoga Classes Online

Integrated Business Information System (IBIS) recently released COVID-19 Impact Updates for various business industries including pilates and yoga studios.  The statement declares that yoga studios should be concerned that “consumers will turn to external competitors, such as online yoga and pilates studios.”  You can add online yoga classes to your repertoire with yoga studio software and prevent clients from turning to your competition.  For a not-so-tech-savvy person like myself, adding yoga studio software can sound a little overwhelming.  However, using software, such as Xplor Studio, that offer great customer service and competitive pricing to help make the transition as easy as possible.


             Automate Marketing

Your business may grow to the point that regular correspondence, advertising and emails take up a great deal of your time.  Yoga studio software can help you automate your regular marketing emails in a personalized fashion to help maintain correspondence without the tedious day-to-day work.  This can be a huge time-saver for your business, saving you some money at the same time.  Don’t worry if you’re not very tech savvy, most yoga studio softwares have pre-built outlines. You don’t need to know coding in order to automate your marketing.


            Get a Custom App

With Xplor Studio, you can customize your app to meet your specific needs and build your brand as well.  Your products are introduced in an app that matches your brand, creating a synonymous and professional appearance for your company.  In addition, the app provides you with additional analytics that can be used to improve and update your marketing strategy. 


Be Where Your Clients Are

Put all three benefits above together, and you have better communication and more contact with your client base.  Despite continual setbacks, we all worked extremely hard for over a year and a half to reorganize our businesses in an attempt to still provide our clients with incredible services.  One of the benefits of this struggle, however, is that it highlighted the need, convenience, and benefits of seamlessly integrated technology into business.  As someone who coaches in both an individual and group setting, I am always fighting to have more contact time with my clients to help them improve.  I can say from experience that studio software has improved my communication, professionalism, and contact with my clients.

We have all had roadblocks with the restrictions of COVID-19, but yoga studio software can help your company have a superior comeback.  If you utilize it to its full potential, you will have an extra tool to help you get back and exceed your pre-COVID-19 business goals.


Ready to give Xplor Studio a try? Click to start your 7 day FREE trial.

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